VCS Perla

Sample Application form for School Admission

A unit of Vivekananda Vidya Vardhaka Sangha (R) Puttur
(CBSE Syllabus)
Perla -Kasaragod Road, Perla – 671552 Kasaragod – Dist, Kerala State

Application form for School Admission


Name of the student: ________________________________________________________________________

Class ___________Sex___________Appln form no:________________________________________________

Date of Birth: ________________________________________       Age:________________________________

Name of the School last attended & Class    : ________________________________________________

Fathers Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Mothers Name:     ____________________________________________________________________________

Annual Income of the Parent:  ________________________________________________________________

Health problems (if any)

Doctors Report has to be enclosed ___________________________________________________________

Height:                                     Weight:

Blood group :                           Allergies:

Parents address

Permanent Address




PINCODE __________________ PHONE ________________________  MOBILE _______________________

Address to correspondence




PINCODE __________________ PHONE ________________________  MOBILE _______________________

Name and address of the local guardian

State the relationship of the guardian (if any) : _____________________________________________


Permanent Address




PINCODE __________________ PHONE ________________________  MOBILE _______________________

Address to correspondence




PINCODE __________________ PHONE ________________________  MOBILE _______________________

Brothers or sisters those who are studying (if any)

  1. Name :                                                       Name :
  2. Class :                                                         Class :

For office use only

Receipt No :                                  ___                             Amount :                                           

Admission No :                                                             Date :                        ____